This is the 2nd part of my Gmarket Shopping guide, you might want to read the first part here.
When you search an item, you will see the listing page as shown above. First, click on the “Customer Rating” on the right top to sort according to “High Rating”. Sellers with Power rating are those who earned higher customer satisfaction rating. Once you click to browse the page, under the seller info, if there is a tag states “CS BEST”, that will be even better as the shop has high sale performance on top of the customer satisfaction score. I will try to buy from those which has “CS BEST” tag.
Next you might want to take note of the small blue plane icon next to the product image. This indicates shops that provide international shipping, those without can only be shipped locally in Korea.
Under the Delivery (Local) column, look for “Free” if possible.
Here you can confirm that whether international shipping is available and if there is any local shipping charge.
Product details page
When you are in this product details page, there might be some confusion for some of us. The system will group all related items in one page. For example, this shop is selling sportswear: capris, tank top, bra top, sweat suit are all listed under this page. Scroll down further you can see all the items information.
One good feature of Gmarket is that they have this “Bookmark” tag on the right on the page as shown in picture below.
Since some shops list their similar items all in one page, when you are interested in a particular product, just click on to the rounded bookmark icon, then a small color tag labels “1” will show up, you can write a short name for easy reference later. In the picture above, I have marked 3 bookmarks and have named the 3rd one to “TANK TOP”
This is indeed a very useful feature! When you are ready to add the items to cart, you can either scroll back to top or click the purchase option right at the bottom of the page. Here I will show you the option on the top of the page.
If you know Korean language, you can skip this section. Click “Select” to choose item from the drop down list. In this example I have chosen item 39, there are 2 colors option, simply select the first one.
Highlight and copy the entire option and head down to Google translate (you can use Google Chrome translate feature if you like), paste in the box as shown in below, you will see the translation on the right. Repeat for the other option if this color is not what you wanted to purchase.
Yes, this is rather a cumbersome method but this helps me to make sure the items that I have added to cart are the correct items. You can use Chrome to navigate and translate but I prefer to use IE. It is just personal preference.
Btw, I have always read the reviews of the product before I actually made the decision to buy it. Some reviews are helpful but some are not. Anyway, no harm to spend a little time just to browse through before you made your final decision, right?
Ok, finally, don’t forget to press the “Add to Cart” button. You can proceed to see you item in shopping cart and checkout to make the payment now. If you want to continue shopping, simply continue to add other items to cart before the final checkout process.
Checking Out
You can now apply the coupons that you have received and do remember to use them smartly, feel free to refer to the part 1 of my guide/tips of how to obtain various discount coupons.
You can choose from 2 shipping methods as shown in above picture: EMS or SF Express. EMS will be delivered by Speedpost. SF Express is another cheaper option. I have chosen EMS for my first purchase and will choose SF Express next time to try out.
The picture above show EMS shipping fee of only SGD$5 as there is an ongoing shipping promotion on EMS option, only till 31st Apr.
Fyi, the local shipping in Korea will depends on individual shop, I have waited for an average of 4 days before all my items arrived at Korea Gmarket’s warehouse.
The EMS shipping was very fast indeed, once they shipped on Saturday, the package arrived in Singapore on Sunday. Since Speedpost does not deliver on Sundays, I received my parcel on Monday.
I shall not go into the details of making payment; you can view the available payment method here.
That is about all for the guide, I might be added in more when times goes and if I have further tips to share with you guys out there.
First Gmarket Haul
Gmarket had packed my items into a huge box, you can see that I have only bought very few items here. Not sure if they charged me for such a big volumetric weight?
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